English Primary


Feelings - Lifelong Learning Skills - Primary 2

Primary 2 students explored what bullying means to them and what they can do to stop it.

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Halloween - Lifelong Learning Skills - Primary 1

Spooky season is over and the children had a blast! They chose to trick everyone with their own orange treats and...


Social Skills - Lifelong Learning Skills - Primary 2

Oι μαθητές της Β’ Δημοτικού αναπτύσσουν τις διαπροσωπικές τους σχέσεις και μοιράζονται σημαντικές πληροφορίες για...


From a single dot to a work of art - Lifelong Learning Skills - Primary 2

Self-development is a process of building new skills and learning new things in order to improve oneself. It is the...


1000 τρόποι να στύψεις ένα λεμόνι - Lifelong Learning Skills - Primary 1

Στη θεματική ενότητα “Healthy Eating” διαβάσαμε το βιβλίο «1000 τρόποι να στύψεις ένα λεμόνι», Εκδόσεις Παπαδόπουλος...